Proven Ways to Raise Your FICO to Get a Better Mortgage Rate

Your FICO score is a critical factor that can influence if you will get approved for a home mortgage loan.

The FICO score, the standard U.S credit rating, is largely responsible for the terms and conditions (including the interest rate) that you qualify for when you apply for a mortgage.

Determining Your FICO Score

Credit scores are calculated using the credit information gathered from credit bureaus such as TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. This report contains details such as your employment, where you live, bill paying activity, and legal matters that you are involved in, such as arrests and bankruptcy.

Your FICO score is calculated based on the data in your credit report.  This data is then grouped into four categories, including:

Payment History—Payment history is often used to gauge the likelihood a borrower will default on their loan. That is why paying your bills on time is key to getting a better rate.

Length of Credit History—A long and significant credit history also helps to improve your FICO score. Even if your payment history is a little shaky, your score can still lean on the higher end of the scale based on the age of your oldest account as well as the average age of all your accounts.

New Credit—The amount of newly opened credit and the type of account opened is another factor your FICO score.

Type of Credit in Use—Consider the different types of accounts you have. Is there a variety that includes credit cards, retail credit, installment loans, finance company credit, and possibly a mortgage? A variety of credit accounts paints a clear picture of your credit profile.

Ideas to Raise Your FICO Score

The good news is that no matter where your FICO score is right now, it can change! FICO scores are fluid, and that means that even the smallest tweaks can move it in a positive direction.

Here are our top insider tips to get a raise your credit score:

Keep Credit Balances Low

Using too much of your open credit can lower your FICO score significantly. Attempt to keep your balances below 20%. If that is not possible, do your best not to max out your available credit.

But most importantly, pay your credit card bills on time!

Delinquency and the severity of it weigh heavily on your FICO score. If you have any judgments or liens on your report, clear those up as soon as possible.

Keep Credit Revolving

Though it seems like the right thing to do, you don't want to close your unused accounts, especially credit cards. Open credit affects your credit usage, as well as your average age of your accounts.

So even if you’ve transferred the balance of one credit card to a newly opened account, keep that old account open and active. A simple way to keep it active is to make small recurring purchases, like gas or coffee.

Review Credit Score Thoroughly

Review the factors of your FICO report completely. Though the credit bureaus try to be as accurate as possible, mistakes are common. Make sure all the information is correct and notify the credit bureau if you found any errors.

Your credit is vital to your best interest rate, but so is the mortgage option!  Call us for a mortgage consultation including personalized assistance for qualifying for a home loan.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.